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Demo Installer

185+ ready-made websites and layouts for various industries and requirements.

ThemeDesigner 2.0

Customize with a click for each device in real-time in the frontend.

AutoGrid 2.0

The first grid system with live grid preview in the backend. Control column with +/- button.

PageSpeed optimized

Highly optimized state-of-the-art PageSpeed. Optimized for http/1 and http/2. Strongly reduced source code.

SEO Performance Kit

With the new SEO tools you have everything you need for technical search engine optimization.

Privacy Manager

GDPR module for opt-in and opt-out. Including opt-in library, logging and different layouts.

Perfected for Mobile

Design customization options, PageSpeed and SEO for smartphones pushed to the top.

170+ Block-Templates

Enjoy our library of pre-built page sections to quickly put together a professional looking page.

New styling palette

Great new designsettings on articles and grid columns for more freedom. 

ThemeDesigner 2.0

Customize for each device in real-time


1-Click-Import for demos

Import up to 185+ finished websites and layouts with the unique demo installer.

Install multiple demo websites simultaneously and use elements and pages from multiple demos to create your own website.

New Styling-Palette

Design-Settings on Articles and Grid-Columns


170+ pre-built page sections.

Enjoy a large library of pre-built page sections to quickly put together a more professional looking page.

Copyright 2024. APOTHEKE IM PRO | Website realized by epdesign

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